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We would like to take this opportunity to inform you, our customers, partners and friends, about the measures we have taken to contain the Corona pandemic.

Both Meyle+Müller and Apollon took measures to slow down the spread of Corona virus very early in order to maintain our business operations as far and as long as possible.

We also wanted to protect and support our customers, employees and their families as well we can in the current situation.

Therefore we have implemented the following measures, among others, to date:


The Establishment of a Crisis Management Team

Since Monday 24.2.2020, a crisis management team has been set up to discuss the current situation and the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the Ministry of Health and the state and federal governments on a daily basis, to initiate appropriate measures and to keep our workforce informed about the current situation.

You can contact our crisis management team at


Comprehensive hygiene and behavioural measures

Existing disinfection facilities have been significantly expanded, as has the disinfection of doors and door handles, as well as other hygiene measures.

There are clear rules of behaviour when on site, including regarding the display of illness symptoms.

Colleagues still working in the company have plenty of space and are located as far as possible on separate floors.


Large scale shift to Home Office

Most colleagues from all of our business areas are working seamlessly from home. Meetings are currently only taking place via Teams, Skype, WebEx and the like.

There is no longer any need for business trips and visits from external parties.

We stand together in solidarity with those who are particularly affected, who are doing extraordinary things for our society in this extraordinary time, and with our colleagues, whose good health is fundamental for the future and success of our customers and our company.

Stay healthy!

Your M+M and apollon team.


Maximilianstraße 104
75172 Pforzheim

T: +49 7231 941 0